Water Quality Management in Shrimp Culture
Water quality
management is basically the management of water quality parameters daily to
keep it in optimal conditions for growth of shrimp. This is very important to prevent the shrimp
experience stress that can accelerate the shrimp to various diseases.
Water quality parameters that must be managed well are:
(1) Transparency and Water Color,
(2) pH (Potential Hydrogen)
(3) DO (Dissolved Oxygen)
(4) Salinity
(5) Temperature
(6) TAN (Total Ammonia Nitrogen)
(7) Free Ammonia (NH3) and
(8) Alkalinity
Transparency and Water Color:
These water quality
parameters reflecting the type and density of plankton. Core of this management is that each change
can be followed and is anticipated to avoid stress on the cultured shrimp. The more intense the color of water signifies
the more dense the number of existing plankton. Plankton density is too high may affect fluctuations in
dissolved oxygen and pH in the pond. On a sunny day, the amount of dissolved oxygen will be very high
and the pH tends to lower, while the evening will be very high pH and dissolved
oxygen can decrease to less than 2 ppm. Transparency must be maintained at a level of 30-40 cm. If the density of plankton is very high, it
must be reduced by replacing the water pond.
pH (Potential
In shrimp culture we
want for pond pH value is equal or approximately equal to the pH value of the
shrimp body. This is intended to
allow the shrimp do not experience stress in adjusting pH of the body to its
environment. pH in pond waters
should be maintained in the range of 7.5-8.5. If the pH in pond waters are under the range of standardized, it
must be enhanced by the provision of lime.
DO (Dissolved Oxygen):
DO manage to be very
important because the DO is a key factor for the success of shrimp culture. DO content in the morning should be above 4
ppm and above 6 ppm during the day. Manage the concentration of DO in pond waters are very closely
related to the amount and type of phytoplankton, the number and condition of
the existing aerator, shrimp biomass, total organic matter content in the pond,
and bacterial activity.Dissolved oxygen concentrations below 4 ppm make shrimp
difficulty capturing oxygen, so the shrimp will rise to the surface of the
water to get oxygen. If this goes on for a
long time, the shrimp will suffocate. If the shrimp shortage of dissolved oxygen, things to do is to
perform the replacement of pond water, maximize the use of the aerator, and
spread lime to inhibit the process of respiration from organisms other than
Optimal salinity is
required for shrimp to establish the metabolic processes properly. If the salinity in the shrimp body fluids is
higher than the environment, the water in the environment will enter into the
shrimp body so that the cell will swell. On the contrary, if the environmental salinity is higher than
the salinity of shrimp body fluids, the water in the shrimp body will come out
so that the shrimp become thin. Optimal salinity for
growth of shrimp is 15-30 ppt.
Water temperature
greatly affects the condition of shrimp, especially appetite. The higher the water temperature will be
higher the metabolic processes in the body of the shrimp. Conversely, if the water temperature is very
low metabolic processes in the body of the shrimp is inhibited so the shrimp do
not want to eat. The optimal
temperature for growth of shrimp is 28-30 oC
TAN (Total Ammonia
TAN measurements aimed
to determine the ammonia content in the shrimp ponds as metabolic waste, dead
plankton, organic matter input and the rest of the feed that is not
biodegradable. Levels of Total Ammonia Nitrogen (TAN) in pond should be no more
than 2 ppm. If the value of TAN is high its mean residual organic material in
the pond does not decompose well and should be immediately expelled.
Free Ammonia (NH3):
Ammonia is formed due
to decomposition of organic material that is not perfect. Residual feed and shrimp feces will accumulate
with high protein content. If the protein does
not decompose completely the ammonia content in the pond becomes high. A standard level of ammonia in the pond is not
more than 0.01 ppm.
Alkalinity is the amount of
carbonate, bicarbonate, and hydroxide contained in the water. Alkalinity become an
important key in the water because of its ability to sustain the pH, because
the addition of acid without lowering the pH value. Standard value in the
alkalinity of pond waters is equal to or greater than 80 ppm. If the alkalinity of pond
water has a value below the standard thing to do is the application of lime,
treat bacterial decomposition, and the addition of CO2.ECOBIO - A Vinnbio Products (Shrimp Disease Control Products)
EcoBio is a multipurpose biological product for treatment of
organic waste from various sources. EcoBio contains a dry blend of synergistic
and dynamic microorganisms capable of producing powerful digestive enzymes to
degrade the organic sludge. When applied, this product initiates rapid growth,
proliferation of biofocs and release of extracellular enzymes like lipase,
protease, amylase, cellulase, xylanase, pectinase, urease, phosphatase, peptidase
and many others.
The enzymes mediate a series of biochemical reactions which
culminate in the rapid degradation of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fibers,
celluloses, and plant materials present in the bottom sludge. EcoBio contains specialized
aerobic and facultative anaerobic strains of bacteria capable of eliminating
hydrogen sulphide, reduce build up of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate in the pond
water and soil. Several species of highly concentrated, active and safe
microorganisms and rich source of hydrolytic enzymes like Amylase, Protease,
Lipase, Cellulose.
Indication :
Reduce BOD, COD and TSS.
Helps to settle and decrease turbidity.
Eliminate organic sludge and toxic metabolites
in pond soil/water.
Maintain healthy pond for growth and
Restore pond water quality free from wastes,
chemicals and undesirable microbes
Minimize water exchange.
Application :
Hydrate the recommended dosage of EcoBio in pond water and apply
equally all the pond.
Preparation of the pond with EcoBio (for organic bottom sludge
Pond preparation protocol.
Week 1 : 500gms/ha.
Week 2 : 250gms/ha.
Week 3 : 250gms/ha.
When TOM is <10% use week 1and 2.
When TOM is >10% use weeks 1,2&3.
During culture: Apply EcoBio 100gms for every 100,000 pieces for
every Five days.
Product protocol table during culture with combination is on a
separate sheet
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