Shrimp Disease control - Aquatic Animal Disease Report

1. White Spot Disease (WSD) Pathogen : White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) Species affected : Penaeus monodon and Litopenaeus vannamei (10-85 DOC) Mortality rate : average to high, 100% in some cases within 10 d. Clinical signs : lethargic or moribund shrimps aggregated at pond surface and edges, slow to erratic swimming behavior, overall body color often reddish, minute to large (0.5-2.0 mm diameter) white inclusions embedded in the cuticle; Control measures : early harvest, strict isolation of infected ponds from movement, strengthened control of transportation, disinfection of infected ponds using Calcium hypochlorite (chlorine). 2. Yellowhead Disease (YHD) Pathogen : Yellowhead virus (YHV) Species affected : Litopenaeus vannamei Mortality rate : could reach 100% in 2-5 days after infection. Clinical signs : Affected shrimps showed sudden increase in feeding activity and abnormal growth, then lo...